About the company.
Our Mission
Our mission is to assist churches and non-profits in building a God honoring web presence.
We are on a mission for God. By offering ministry pricing, Gulf Horizons assists churches and non-profits reach the world. The "Great Commission" calls each of us, as disciples of Christ, to go out into the world and spread the Gospel message.
Your website is your new "front door." Our job is to help you open it to the community by inviting folks into your ministry. Most people, even if invited, will check your website first. Our mission is to help you make that first impression the best one possible.
Our History
MARCH 2010
Gulf Horizons Web Design was founded by Dennis Roberts as a ministry to reach the lost and hurting through the web. With only three church partners, we began to design a maintenance program affordable to small and medium sized churches opening their web "front door."
MAY 2013
We reached a milestone as our church and non-profit partners now totaled 20. Most of our new partners came from word-of-mouth as the value and quality of service became evident.
JULY 2016
We took on a massive project as we converted most of our existing 40 partners with a new "responsive WordPress" design in which the entire site is available perfectly on all devices, including mobile.
Senior Web Designer, Dennis Roberts.
My "second career" is a ministry to bring the Gospel to the communities where our partners minister.

After spending 30 years in senior management in Massachusetts, Dennis took on this challenge to help small and medium churches in building and maintaining a professional website.
He lives in Naples, Florida with his wife Carlene. He has two children and one grandchild.
Dennis travels to every church and non-profit he partners with and maintains long relationships with many.